Book an Appointment

Please follow these steps:

  1. Our services are available in Hahndorf while Dr Timothy Hsi practices in Mount Gambier too. Scroll down to the booking calendar of the Service Location that you wish to visit.
  2. Choose a practitioner by clicking on the “Next Available”. EMDR Specialists- Dr Timothy Hsi, Alison Kirk. Psychotherapists for all other mental health issues- Carola Maier, Abi Catchlove.
  3. Select a Service. Choose either EMDR Therapy or General Psychotherapy.
  4. Pick a time. The booking system will automatically select the next available Practitioner for you. If you wish to choose a different Practitioner, please reselct from the field: “Choose a practitioner”.  Click on “View Calendar” for overview of Practitioner’s availability.
  5. Please verify the Appointment Details before filling in your personal details.

Our fees are $160 per hour. The following supports are available in this practice: private health insurance rebates, NDIS funded therapies and workers approved by Return to Work SA and WorkCover.

Dr Timothy Hsi practices from Hahndorf and Mount Gambier locations (fee at Mount Gambier is $180 per session).

Booking Calender for Hahndorf Location.

Booking Calendar for Mount Gambier location.